Commemorating the 131th Birth Anniversary of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar (14th April 2022)

Known for spearheading persistent efforts to rid India of the caste system and being the chairman of the drafting committee of the Indian constitution Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar remains an important historical figure and an inspiration for millions even during the present pushback against the attack of communal forces on India’s constitutional values and the very idea of the nation.
The ideas of affirmative action and equality of all citizens before the law were important tenets of the constitution and it has been instrumental in being a safeguard for the minorities against majoritarian onslaught which has over the past years been greatly eroded by the right wing fascistic Hindutva regime.

In our efforts to defend the constitutional values, safeguard democracy and resistance against the Hindutva forces striving to deter and even reverse any progress the country has made, critical engagement with Ambedkar’s insights through his writings and work is of paramount importance.