TISS Admin Should Ensure the Speedy Reopening of the Campus by Making All the Requisite Arrangements

The even semester of the academic year 2021-22 has already started, and the TISS admin continues to keep the student community in the dark over the prospects of campus reopening. By continuously insisting to keep the campus closed, TISS has made a unique place for itself as one of those very few Higher Education Institutes that have managed to deprive the students of quality education in the university-like setting. This callous attitude of TISS admin has led an entire batch from all MA courses almost graduating without visiting the campus even once. Through this, the administration has successfully managed to profiteer from the pandemic by charging hefty fees and just pushing through semesters without bothering enough to uphold the educational interest of the student community.

PSF has time and again called upon the TISS admin to lay down a plan for reopening the campus, but the administration shrewdly appropriated the government regulation in its favour and further undermined the student interest. Recently, the TISS admin, in its letter dated January 10, 2022 relied on the Government of Maharashtra order relating to the closure of schools and colleges in light of rising cases of the Omicron variant of COVID 19 and conveniently abandoned its earlier plan regarding reopening of campus. While universities across the country are devising alternative means to bring students back to campus, the TISS admin has become visibly comfortable with the online mode of education, while the quality of education and the mental health of students continue to suffer.

This assault by TISS admin on the student community continues even when the Government of Maharashtra has lifted the restrictions and has allowed local bodies to take decisions regarding reopening educational institutes, pursuance of which educational institutes, including primary schools in Mumbai have resumed physical classes. It is appalling to note that while the state’s administrative authorities are making all efforts to restore things to normal, the attitude of TISS is rather dismal and cannot be tolerated. With such a fraudulent orientation, the TISS admin has repeatedly been deceiving the student community for the last two years and has given a severe blow to its propriety as a leading institute of higher education in the country.

TISS admin must note that the student community can see through their agendas and none of their diversionary tactics would stand our patience. The administration should consider this as a final ultimatum from the student community to give up on its lethargy and divest all its energy to ensure the speedy reopening of the campus by making all the requisite arrangements that the situation of the time warrants. PSF calls upon the student community to stand in solidarity to ensure that we are not made scapegoats in this apathetic approach of TISS admin.

Red Salutes
Student Unity Long Live

Released by Fathima Sulthana (General Secretary) and Meera Suresh (Acting President) on 25th January 2022.