Stand Up Against Opportunism! United Students’ Movement is the Way Ahead!


We are in the midst of the student union elections at TISS, where candidates are trying to reach out to students with their agendas. However, within the campaign some sections have taken the route of spreading misinformation about PSF, in a way to malign the candidates who have been active in the Forum. The role of student groups such as the PSF to politicise the campus and advancing an issue based election has been immense.

In the light of such misleading facts about PSF that are being spread among the student community, we would like to point out a few key things. Right from its inception in 2012 the PSF has stood for a secular, democratic and discrimination free campus. Over the years the Forum has been a strong advocate of students’ rights on campus as well as outside.

Not speaking of things very distant in memory, the students’ body has been under turmoil across the country since the present government took seat. We saw a series of movements taking shape with the students at the forefront, right from the Occupy UGC movement, the enforcement of the Rohith Act and the JNU issue. Our own institute has seen a manifold increase in the fees structure. One thing that has underlined all these struggles, whether it is inside the campus or outside has been lack of an active role of the TISS Students’ Union.

It was only at the behest of the Joint Action Committee in TISS, and students’ groups on campus, including PSF that the TISS Students’ Union was compelled to issue a statement on the HCU and call a GBM on the JNU issue. Therefore, it is disgraceful for the previous Union to take claim of the struggles.

The ex student union President has defended the last Union for not taking up the issue of the fee hike by taking the shield of the summer vacations. However, it is not difficult to remember that fee hike is not a new concern. It was very much present during the term of the last Union, which failed to take up the issue with the administration. The issue of taking a position against fee hike is not merely a matter of technicalities, which it is being tried to be portrayed as. But it is very much an issue of holding political acumen. PSF issued public statements against such an arbitrary fee hike and its members were at the forefront of the struggle against the hike.

There have been multiple other occasions where the previous Union failed to hold grounds in front of the administration. The students’ concerns regarding management of CBCS courses never received a strong voice of the Union, represented by the President and General Secretary in front of the Academic Council. It is foolish to think that the administrations will platter the demands of student. All administrations are hostile, unless the Students’ Union is strong. PSF has always stood and will continue to stand for supporting a Union which has the political will to organize students and voice their concerns strongly in front of the administration. Afterall, PSF was the first political students’ group to have been formed in the TISS campus.

The last year has seen an unprecedented unity of students across campuses to stand up against attacks on higher education and discrimination faced by socially marginalised students on campuses. PSF has always upheld the cause of student unity and will make every effort to protect the same in the future. It is very saddening to see that the previous Union fails to take cognizance of the role of student groups on campus to build this united struggle, and is busy in claiming false accolades.

PSF urges all students to stand up against opportunism and elect a students’ union which has the political will to work towards building a united, democratic, secular and discrimination free campus.
