PSF Welcomes New Batch of Students to TISS

Progressive Students` Forum (PSF)

Hear ye! Hear ye all! Welcome new batch of students!

A warm welcome to those of you who have arrived here well before time; to those who are still catching their breath; to those of you who just want to settle down here; and to those of you who are still not sure where here is yet. Welcome to a busy month of orientation and coursework at TISS, and to most of you, welcome to life in Mumbai.

PSF welcomes you to TISS, a place that seeks to create an inclusive and socially conscious academic community, whose students have always risen up to various challenges in the past.

And were you to ask who exactly are we? We would reply that PSF is a student initiative which was started in 2012. Our goals are to strive towards expanding democratic and secular spaces within the campus; towards enabling critical engagement with emerging socio-economic and political issues; towards fostering a culture of rational and inclusive thinking.

And why do we seek to do so? In the hope that we can achieve an environment where better learning allows us to contribute to ongoing struggles for social, economic and political justice within and outside the campus.

To introduce you to our work, here are some of the activities that we organised the past year:

Teesta Setalvad’s talk on Communal Politics; a public lecture on Caste Based violence in Maharashtra by Subodh More, noted political activitst and founder of the Vidrohi movement. In March 2015 we had our third annual lecture on the Union Budget delivered by Prof R Ramakumar of TISS. As a part of the PSF movie club we had screened the documentary  “Morality TV aur Loving Jehad: Ek Manohar Kahani (A Thrilling Tale)” and Michael Moore’s “SICKO”.

Last year we also kick started a platform called “Talking about Science and Society”, with a talk by Dr D Raghunandan (President of the All India People’s Science Network) on the “The History of the People’s Science Movement in India”.

With the promise of more activities and engagements in the coming year ahead, here is hoping that we can engage with all of you and endeavour towards making your time in the campus a productive and enriching one. Do visit us online, to check out our activities, and write to us:



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welcome poster pic