On underutilisation of TISS Students’ Union funds

The student community has recently been informed by the Students’ Union about the underutilization of the Union fund amounting to more than one lakh rupees. It has been conveyed that the Union’s budget for this year was Rs. 5,77,200. Out of this, Rs. 4 lakh has been approximately spent till now, with expenses for printing of Annual Magazine ‘Unmaad’, RO Budget, and a few miscellaneous expenses still to be considered.

The Students’ Union funds are meant for activities of the students’ union which benefit all students of the institute. While a variety of reasons may lead to underutilisation of funds, it is important that these funds are used for benefit of the students. The Students’ Union must also clearly specify the reasons as to why the funds were underutilised.

The Students’ Union must ensure that these funds are either provided to the next Students’ Union or used for improving infrastructure which will benefit all the students.

Progressive Students’ Forum (PSF)

Tata Institute of Social Sciences

13th March, 2014