Dining Hall (DH) Coupon Price Hike

Progressive Students’ Forum (PSF) wishes to bring to your notice the issue of increase in prices of food coupons of Dining Hall (DH) in the campus. This price hike was brought out by the DH management in the circular dated 9th December 2013 with effect from 1st January 2014. The DH management has justified the increase in coupon price by giving us details that there has been … Continue reading Dining Hall (DH) Coupon Price Hike

Notes from the Panel Discussion on the Supreme Court’s Verdict on Section 377

Overturning Delhi High Court’s significant ruling in the Naz case in 2009, the recent Supreme Court’s verdict on Section 377 criminalizing non–normative sexualities came as a major setback to all the democratic struggles, especially of the Queer community that has been battling for their rights against all socially regressive forces. In the light of this recent development, in the panel discussion organized by PSF on … Continue reading Notes from the Panel Discussion on the Supreme Court’s Verdict on Section 377

Safdar Still Plays

January 2nd is the death anniversary of Safdar Hashmi- the renowned communist theatre personality who was killed by political goons in Jhandapur, Sahibabad (outskirts of Delhi) while performing the play Halla Bol on workers’ rights. In 1984 he had given up his government job to work full time as a political cultural activist. Safdar Hashmi was an activist, playwright, actor and lyricist deeply committed to … Continue reading Safdar Still Plays